In 2008, the band's conductor Jørgen ’Misser’ Jensen and journalist Klaus Gjede were inspired by El Sistema, a Venezuelan music project, that gives poor and homeless children the possibility to play music and receive a muscial education and not end up in deep poverty or in the streets. Read more about El Sistema here.
This inspiration made them start Young Care, an orchestra consisting of children from two municipalities: Rødovre and Høje Taastrup. The children were picked especially for this project. Players from The Danish Concert Band participated and were mentors for the kids.
Now, the project has evolved and today it's called MusikUnik and consists only of children from the municipality of Rødovre.
This project is administered by Rødovre Musikskole and is financially sustained by the municipality of Rødovre.
Have a look at MusikUnik's facebook page.
Check out other projects in Denmark : Musik Unik / Young Care projects in Danmark.